Saturday, December 11, 2010

Things Thats I've learned Frum Unkle Mumbles

1. Hows tew play "bumb in the rug". Thats wheres yew run up tew the rug in the fronts room and dives under it tew hides and wait fur some one to walk by sos yew can jump out and attacks them!

2. Tew demand the humans turns on the waters in the sink sos yew can drink fresh cold waters.

3. Hows tew open the cupboard doors and hides in the cupboards tew scare the humans specially in the morning whens they not awake all the ways.

4. When the humans are holding yew and you want tew go yew first huff and thens bitey them sos they lets yew go.

5. Pounce kitty treats are YUMMY!!

We also have sum sad news tew report. One of our hamsters, Mr. Jingles, went tew the bridge in his sleeps a couple of days ago. Human mom was so sad that her eyes leaked and it kinda mades my eyes leak tew.


  1. Your Unkle Mumbles is teaching you the BEST close attention, there's even MORE fun coming up! Christmas is da bomb.

    We are so sorry about Mr. Jingles running off to the Rainbow Bridge, we bet you miss him very much.

  2. Dat is pawsome stuffs ta learn fur sure! and oh so much more stuffs ta learn, its nevfur ending!

    We is sorry ta hear dat Mr. Jingles went to da bridge, but it is a furry nice place, and I bets he is havin a blast but missin you alls at da same time! Big head bumps and purrs fur you all!

    Da Critters
