Wednesday, April 13, 2011



I finally get a chance to put something up here! Spitters keeps hogging the computer just to talk about that little pest and show her off and this time he left the computer on so I could get on. He he he guess what? Spitters has acne!! It is so funny! Spitters has zits on his chin!! MOL

Here is a video of me, about time one was put on here cause this is my blog too not just his!!

All the wind

The wind is blowing so strong here today! WOW! And its rainy too! Ha Mumbles won’t be able to go outsides tonight when all the dogs go in. I don’t see why he would wants to go out anyway. It is scary out there! But then it is scary in heres too cause the humans have the windows open so the wind is coming in after me and so is the rain! The sky is all dark too. Human mom was teasing human sissy bout a hurricane coming. Now, I don’t knows what a hurricane is but that sounds scary to me.


In other news Milenko stoled my milk this morning. Human dad gave Mumbles and me milk and when I was drinking she pushed me away and drank it! She is always doing things like that to me!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

We Gots a New Niece!



Lookie!!!! e big human sissy brought a new little kitty homes fur us to plays with! She is so tinys but she just wants to play aaaaaalllll the time. That is ok for me but Mumbles hates it cause he is too old and mean to play, he will do it a little but mostly he just likes to lay around and growl, huff and bitey! Isn’t she so prettys?



And she don’t have to worrys bout the dawgs cause we already has them trained, so much for the image of the big bad pit bull!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The petition to sign!

My human mom is still on a rampage bout that guy that wants tew to pass a bill tew kill the homeless animals n really so am I cuz it just isn't right at all.

She found a couple of places that you can ask them not tew pass that bill but the first one you have tew live in Utah. Is there any kitties from Utah here? If there are go here tew send a prewritten email tew a bunch of people includin that meanie that wants to pass this. Every one else can go here tew sign the petition. Thank you guys so much! We have tew stand up for these poor animals!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

There is this one human here in Utah that is tryin tew pass a law that would make it legal tew kill feral kitties on site as long as it is done in a humane way. This human says that the humane ways include shootin them with a gun or a bow and arrow, also by decapitation! WHAT?? First how is those things in any way humane? Second how can you really tell a feral kitty from one thats owned just by seeing it once? He says that they are becoming a problem and attack people! My human mom wrote him a email tellin him that it is very hard by just lookin at a kitty if it is feral or owned and also told him that there are a average of 5 to 10 cat attacks per year as opposed to the 50 million dog bites per year and there has never been a death caused by kitties but there are, on average, a thousand deaths caused by dog attacks per year. She also told him that the stray kitties do the humans good by keepin the rodent populations down so they don't come in to the human houses and eat their food. It is so stupid how some people think that us kitties are so dangerous and don't help the humans. Of course we help our humans, without them where would we get our treats and who would open our gushy foods?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Today was a lazy day, it was tew colds tew sit in the window and watch the snows fall. Sos we just lazed around, me in my favorite place on the back of human moms chair.

Mumbles of course hogged up our beds and wouldn't lets me in it tew sleep. His place looks so much warmers and comfiers then mine!

After our naps we gots in tew a fight over a paper bag!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

This morning when the humans gave us our nip fix Mumbles STOLE my nip! So Is beats him ups n when human mom gots me away frum him I hads a huge clump of his furs in my mouth! That will teaches him not to mess with my nip!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Very Scary Things!

Has any of you heard about the birdies that are falling from the skies and dying or about the fishies that are dying in the waters? It makes me worrieds bout what is happening tew them and if something like that can happen tew us kitties and maybe even the dawgs! Human mom says that nothing is going tew happen tew us but it still worries me.

Man, last nite Mumbles and me sure had some funs! We got in to a big game of Thundering Herd of Elephants and ran all round the apartment, even ran over the humans while they were trying to sleep. The we gots up on the headboard tew eat but there was no foods in the bowl so wes started tew wrestle on the headboard and Mumbles jumped on tew the bed tew get away from me. It wasn't his fault that human moms tummy was in the ways when his full 25 pounds landed but the sound that she made sure was funnys. Then we ran back out in tew the front room and ran over human big bubba who was asleep on the couch making him wake up screaming. What ended our fun was human dad coming out and yelling about doing all kinds of things tew our furry little butts, things about stew pots, shoving us in the birdie cage and putting us in the outsides room!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

We are back finally!

We had lost the nets fur awhiles but now we gots it back. Boy, there was nothing tew do it seems like n every time we tried tew find something else tew do fur fun the humans woulds yells at us telling us if we didn't settle our furry little butts down we were going tew go outsides! It isn't my faults that whens I jumped on human mom my claws put little bitty scratches on her back!
Buts now I can finallys gets back tew werk in my cafe on facebook. There are so many things that I has tew do on theres n it is hards for one little kitty tew do it all so I do appresheate all the work that Sadie n all the other kittys has done tew help me!
It is also my sad duty tew report that we lost another one of our ranks. Our Missy Piggy (a hamster) went tew the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. She will really be missed by us all.